I evaluated my child through EI but he or she was not eligible, can I have my child reevaluated?

It is possible for a child to have a developmental delay and not meet the eligibility criteria for the EIP. Children who appear to be experiencing a normal variation in development (e.g., late talkers, late walkers) may continue to receive screening and tracking,  through their pediatrician or the EIP Developmental  Monitoring Unit  to monitor a child's developmental progress. When the results of the EI multidisciplinary evaluation show that children are typically developing, or developing at the level above the EIP eligibility criteria, the  evaluation team and the service coordinator  can provide parents with information about child development milestones and what to look for as their child grows and develops to ensure they continue to make age-appropriate progress. If a child doesn’t meet the criteria  for eligibility for service delivery under Early Intervention Program, but there are concerns about the child’s progress, it may be reasonable for the family to seek assistance through other service delivery systems or other early childhood programs (e.g., Early Head Start, community-based programs), private pay or private insurance .The evaluation team and child’s EIP initial service coordinator can provide  parents with information about available resources in their communities, including contact information for such programs and services. For children who appear to be at risk for developmental problems in the future, the evaluation team may recommend that the child be referred with parent consent to the local municipal Early Intervention Monitoring Unit which assists families in tracking their child’s development for birth to 3 years old and the need for a re-evaluation in the EIP in the future. 

 Additionally, as a parent, if you do not agree with your child's evaluation results and determination, you have rights under the EIP. You have the right to use due process procedures to settle disagreements or complaints about your child’s eligibility for the EIP, or complaints about your child’s EI services. Your right to use due process procedures to settle disagreements or complaints includes your right to access mediation and/or an impartial hearing, at no cost to you.

A  parent may request a second evaluation or component of the evaluation at public expense, The  early intervention official shall authorize a second evaluation or component if he/she deems it necessary and appropriate, and shall document the cause.

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